Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Posted by Mai Borges at 7:14 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Posted by Mai Borges at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Ofrecemos paellas elaboradas con ingredientes frescos y de alta calidad; esta es una opcion espectacular cuando se tienen reuniones los fines de semanas. Contactanos para mas detalles.
Posted by Mai Borges at 10:26 AM 0 comments
En el FREEZER de MagaIsa siempre encontraras las mejores alternativas para una comida rapida, saludable y economica.
Cremas de Auyama
Crema de Calabacin
Sopa de Vegetales
Sopa Won Ton
Envase de 16 onzas por $10
Caraotas Negras
Caraotas Rojas
Envase de 16 onzas for 410
Carne Molida
Carne Mechada
Pollo Mechado
Cazon (Tilapia preparado como el el Mercado de Conejeros de Margarita Yummi)
Acompanados de una Racion de 6 arepas precocidas
$12 por un envase de 16 onzas aproximadamente 6 porciones.
Posted by Mai Borges at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Junio 10
Posted by Mai Borges at 10:08 AM 0 comments
About Mai's Kitchen
Mai Borges started cooking at a very young age; inheriting her Italian Grandfather’s passion for good food as well as her Mother’s work ethic and love for cooking ; she added her particular touch for always making her family happy with a good-healthy meal. Now Mai is sharing her blessings with her friends and neighbors. Great for anyone who is caught up with a busy life and doesn't have the time to prepare their own home-cooked meals from scratch , this is a great alternative to fast food and best of all, its less expensive! Your family will love it!