Great Mother's Day gift ideas from Mai's Kitchen!
As you know Mother's Day is almost here, YAY! It's the day of the year that we get extra pampered by our loved ones :-) so... I have a suggestion for presents; if you're like me, you probably give your friends a special mother's day gift just to say you care. My very talented friend Erika Fernandez is making beautiful and useful flower arrangements and I wanted to share them with
all of my friends! These arrangements dress up any desk or counter top and they are useful to boot because the stems of the flowers are actual PENS! If you have kids you know that its impossible to keep a pen handy :-) Well, take a look at these beautiful creations, they'll look great on your kitchen counter, next to your phone and you can even use them as a center piece! But wait there's more :-) with the purchase
of any flower-pen arrangement you'll receive $5 off your next meal from Mai's Kitchen...... Please e-mail or call me with your order and I will include the arrangement along with your next meal; but hurry, Erika only made a limited number of these and when their gone, their gone!

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